Spanning events from the 1960s to 1990s, The Unfortunate Marriage of Azeb Yitades is an epic tale of a small village in eastern Ethiopia struggling to maintain its diversity and heritage as the modern world encroaches on its isolation. Aba…
Read MoreIn The Got Who Begat a Jackal, the seventeenth-century feudal system, vassal uprisings, religious mythology, and the Crusades are beautifully intertwined with the intense love affair between Aster, the daughter of a feudal lord, and Guru, the court jester and…
Read MoreIn a narrative sparkling with wit, Nega Mezlekia recalls his boyhood in Jijiga, Ethiopia, during the fall of Emperor Selassie, and his bold journey to manhood during the rise to power of the communist Junta, whose merciless Red Terror slaughtered…
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